By Jasonf
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone - I am wishing to sell off a lot of my container plants, mainly perennials, climbers and shrubs. They are substantial specimens with well developed root systems. The location is mid-Essex, and it's collect only. Please send me a message with an email address if you are interested. Thanks - Jason
22 Apr, 2013
Would love some but live to far away
Thanks anyway
22 Apr, 2013
That's a shame girls. I have Leucojums, Omphalodes, Brunnera, Lamiums and Solanums in flower now; established shrubs of Cornus, Acanthopanax, Cytisus, Cistus, Rosa, Cotinus, Symphoricarpus, Potentillas etc and loads of border Geraniums, and a myriad of other perennials that are large plants with big root systems, just perfect for divisions or planting as a whole plant. I hope some people will be interested. They are all such lovely plants :)
23 Apr, 2013
Thanks for the offer but I live too far away.
22 Apr, 2013