By Dungy
Hi Slug hunters,
this isn't really a question more a good tip for the new to gardening folk,
REF tomatoes,
If your repotting your toms for growing on into larger pots,
re-pot right up to the tom's wings ie all the way up the stem just under we're the lower leaves are,
if you do this with good compost you'll see your plants grow faster and a thicker stem,
Have a pot of tagets next to the young toms and the likes of green/white fly wont go near your toms,
Its a nature way of keeping these flies away from the toms,
both these tips ive tried & tested and still use to this day after years of use.
23 Apr, 2013
Sorry I dont know what tagets are
23 Apr, 2013
Irene24, I think Dungy missed an E out of tagetes,otherwise known as french marigolds, Derek.
24 Apr, 2013
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Thanks for that Dungy, my toms aren't that far yet but I'll set them in deeper once they get to that stage.
23 Apr, 2013