Re AgapanthusI have been reading about these plants and want to know how you tell which is evergreen - the narrow leaved version or the wide flessy leaves
By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Re Agapanthus
I have been reading about these plants and want to know how you tell which is evergreen - the narrow leaved version or the wide fleshy leaves. I have some in a pot which I bought in Madeira in 2009. There are six in a large pot. I have had only 2-3 blooms. I overwinter the container in the green house and the leaves don't die back but some outer leaves turn a bit yellow. Shall I divide and repot? and can I leave the pot outside over the winter.
25 Apr, 2013
There are evergreen ones and deciduous ones. The latter tend to be more hardy. I have Agapanthus 'Queen Mum' that are evergreen. They have been in a cold greenhouse all winter - still are. Some of the bulbs are looking healthy the others very yellow. I suspect the late frosts in March and April frosted some and perhaps were damper than the other - I hope/expect them to regrow though when summer starts.
25 Apr, 2013
Hi Barbarak, the broader leaved ones tend to be the evergreen ones, but not all, the hybrids tend to be of the deciduous variety, and much hardier than the species, these can be grown outside, the evergreen ones need protection in winter, Derek.
25 Apr, 2013
I don't think they are evergreen. Maybe someone else knows better.
25 Apr, 2013