By Bjh
United Kingdom
I have just taken delivery of seed potatoes. Ist Earlies, 2nd Earlies and Main Crop. As its far too early to plant out, what do I do now?
22 Jan, 2010
To chit potatoes you should lay them in an egg box or seed tray with the "eyes" facing upwards, As Cliffo says leave them in a light but frost free place and allow the eyes to sprout shouts. Keep them "as is" until you are sure of no more frosts. There are two ways of planting them, either in trenches or in individual holes. Plant earlies 6 inches deep and about 12 inches apart. Main crop should be 16 - 30 inches apart. Closer planting will result in smaller crops with 24 inches between each row!
As soon as the first shoots appear "earth them up" by drawing soil from around them to totally cover them. Keep this up every time the shoots appear until you have a mound approx 12 inches high. During dry spells give them an occasional but thorough soaking to increase yield. Plenty of water early on in the plants development will lead to many tubers and a heavy crop later on.
22 Jan, 2010
Thats useful info Ian. I've just grown them in bags/pots before so I was wondering how deep to plant and how far the soil itselft..I've been saving all my egg boxes ready for the big chit....!!!!
22 Jan, 2010
Me too...My first time trying spuds...:>)
22 Jan, 2010
Well I you should get them chitting now then. My few that I had for my little garden are already "cooking" Lol. ;~))
23 Jan, 2010
Previous question
store them in the light but dont let frost get at them keep the chits (sprouts ) rubed off except for two, or you will have mostly super structur at the expence of substructur,) all tops and not a lot of spuds ) then get them in as soon as you can,
22 Jan, 2010