By Pdb
United Kingdom
It's here at last!!! Seems like its been a long wait for my magnolia to bloom..

26 Apr, 2013
Oh my! Well worth waiting for.
26 Apr, 2013
Truly lovely Pdb :0)
26 Apr, 2013
How beautiful is that!
26 Apr, 2013
Wow! I bet many of your neighbours suffer Magnolia Envy!
26 Apr, 2013
Smashing to see, ive got three white bloom ones and three flowering cherry they're all out just now and it really makes you know spring is here.
Great pictures.
26 Apr, 2013
M. x loebneri 'Leonard Messel' by the look of it. Lovely thing. You plant it?
27 Apr, 2013
wow thats amazing how long has it taken to get to this size ?? i have had mine 2 years now 24" high and no blooms :(((
28 Apr, 2013
Hi Worthy1 and Grudog
No I didn't plant it. It was in the garden when we moved here 13 yrs ago. To think when I was redesigning the garden I ( well OH) very nearly dug it out! It was only a nurseryman delivering some plants that said it would cost a lot of money to buy did I decide to keep it. So glad I did. I love it.
28 Apr, 2013
Previous question
Lovely and wonderful shape of tree. I thought it was Cherry blossom from the pics then read it was Magnolia. I have white and purple ones, so forgot about pinks ones like × soulangeana. I only have 2 blossoms about to open and a few hopefuls...I did prune them back though last year.
26 Apr, 2013