United States
how can i care for my pointsettia plant i got as a gift for x-mas
23 Jan, 2010
Yup treat as an annual and compost...
23 Jan, 2010
Had always done above before last year.Then took advice from Delonix,who gave us instructions on how to save ! Yes,had to remember to give 14 hours completet darkness from beginning of October (dark cupboard) until December.We were then rewarded this Christmas with beautiful red bracts which are still showing.! Intend to repeat this year as the plant has doubled in size and is really healthy.Hope this helps.
23 Jan, 2010
Fantastic dedication, Bb! Well done.....
23 Jan, 2010
Thanks Spritz...started out by just letting it get almost bone dry last year then asked for advice from Delonix.Then just watered when dry all year until October...the rest is history....will post a pic soon !
23 Jan, 2010
Still easier to compost and buy again...
23 Jan, 2010
Easier yes..but if can be bothered it can be done...without too much specialist knowledge !
23 Jan, 2010
Previous question
« I have much bind weed in my Raspberry bed how can I get rid of it ?
Just water it and enjoy it until it's lost all the red bracts - then throw it away and buy a new one next Christmas.
It is possible to get the plant to flower again next year, but it's not easy and really not worth the hassle when they are so reasonably priced, to be honest.
23 Jan, 2010