By Fransgarden
United Kingdom
I have planted poppies in my garden in the u.k many times yet they won't reseed. Does anyone know any reason as to why this might be or what I can do??
23 Jan, 2010
Silly question from me, as well - you are leaving the heads on, aren't you?
You could try waiting until the head is brown, and then shaking the seeds out yourself, instead of waiting for the plant to do it.
23 Jan, 2010
Thats what I do shake the seed head out when its dry
23 Jan, 2010
23 Jan, 2010
The only reason I can think of why they won't regrow from seed is that your soil is so hard and capped that the germinated seedlings dry out and wither. Even here where we have heavy clay soil and dry summers, poppies reseed easily, especially opium poppies which come up like weeds.
Try putting a thick mulch of well rotted compost around your poppy plants and the seeds should germinate in this and grow away.
24 Jan, 2010
Bertie the soill in cheshire is ideal for them ,it must be something else.
24 Jan, 2010
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depends on which poppy it is.Are you leaving the flower heads on so they form seeds? I dont have trouble with oriental poppies self seeding.
welcome to GoY too.
23 Jan, 2010