By Ianplant
United Kingdom
I have a border 12ft x 4ft, due north facing and has a 6ft hedge on its south side.Total shade always and coolest spot in the gaden, what can I put in it to give it some colour as its quite a focal point in my small garden.
30 Apr, 2013
how about not thinking of plants as such in that area . it would be a great place to sit when its realy hot and as your sitting perhaps under a pagoda etc it would be nice to have a feacture next to you like a pond,sculpture etc . just a thaught as your not realy going to be growing too much thre .
30 Apr, 2013
Go for a walk in the woods and see what is growing there naturally. Primroses etc.
1 May, 2013
Variegated Azalea come to mind. They have light leaves with yellow margin and flowers are pink to red to orange depending on variety.
1 May, 2013
Sarcococca, skimmia, pulmonarias, hellebores, hydrangea(some), brunnera, ferns, and if sheltered, camellia, rhododendron, azalea, acer palmatum
3 May, 2013
Hang on - is the soil acid or neutral or what? We've all been making suggestions, without knowing! Maybe Ian could tell us?
3 May, 2013
It's a bit of a tricky spot, especially with a hedge drawing out the nutrition and possibly making it dry there too. You could try Brunnera - 'Jack Frost' has lovely silver leaves and blue flowers. Tiarella wherryi or T. cordifolia would be fine there, as would Geranium macrorrhizum, G. phaeum or G. nodosum. If you could keep it under control, Symphitum looks pretty, although it can be a bit thuggish.
Euonymus fortunei are evergreen and 'Silver Queen' is a lovely one for the back in front of the hedge. It's easily prunable, to keep it in shape.
30 Apr, 2013