By Irene24
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
I forgot i put these lilly s in the shed and now look at them they have all sprouted , my question is can i still plant them now and if so should i cut off the sprouts
- 3 May, 2013
Definitely do NOT cut off the shoots. Plant them very carefully and put in the light, they may well straighten out. If you remove the shoots the bulbs will be terribly weakened and probably not flower again for a few years.
3 May, 2013
I agree, don't cut them off. Lillies except the Asiatic ones like planting quite deep so unless they are Asiatics put them in covering as much of the long white stems as is feasible without breaking the shoots - the bulb can be as much as six inches deep.
3 May, 2013
Thanks everyone they are in the soil now watered and I hope they are going to be ok lost a few shoots in the prosses but couldnt be avoided as they were so long
3 May, 2013
Previous question
I think that you must plant them, possibly in pots,but not cut off the shoots........hopefully they will survive with tlc.
3 May, 2013