By Bryony135
United Kingdom
I've just checked on my Delphinium seedlings and something has feasted on them! There's not much left, but whatever it is has left a cast on the soil, in the picture you can see some in the top left and bottom left. I've got a few Delphinium seedlings left in another tray, could I save them, and will whatever it is start eating my other seedlings (I've got quite a few other types of plants in the same grow house). Thank you!

11 May, 2013
Slugs love delphiniums, I wonder also if the change in the weather to cold and damp has upset them too as Andy says
11 May, 2013
Thank you, I'll have a check for slugs and snails.
11 May, 2013
look under the tray in the gaps between the cells. Snails love to hide under here.
11 May, 2013
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Looks like they've damped off...a fungal disease that affects young seedlings.
Just to add, those casts look like snail casts so they could've been munching them
11 May, 2013