By Fractal_cat
United Kingdom
The result of not paying attention -
Last year my dear wife purchase a shrub.., or perrennial; One of those.
Anyway, At the time of planting I must have been distracted. I may have been planting something else or otherwise engaged in menial tasks... Difficult to say.
I can't find the label and I keep all labels! It (the container) used to hold ice-cream. It is getting full!
All of which is by the by; What I want to know is -
What the blue blazes is this?

16 May, 2013
yes thats my thought too Andy.
16 May, 2013
Yes i would agree, the leaf formation and how they are arranged would suggest this is centranthus or commonly known as valerian, the humming bird moth is attracted to the flowers.
16 May, 2013
It could be Phlox paniculata. Best to wait and see what the flowers look like.
16 May, 2013
It's good to watch the hawk-moth in action. Never seen it on valerian but it was quite a common visitor to the stand of Verbena bonariensis.
... Mmm, centranthus? I dunno. I see what you all mean; leaves, colour, growth etc. but; I am not sure it is something that OH would have chosen.
I have to say that was my first thought too.
But with Phlox.., we might be onto something! Just the sort of thing that OH Would go for.
Wait and see is something all gardeners are good at..
Thanks all.
16 May, 2013
non of the phlox I grow have that glaucus sheen. also reminds me of young cirinthe [sp?] purpuresence.
17 May, 2013
It's not Cerinthe.
17 May, 2013
It looks like Centranthus ruber. A wild flower come weed but looks lovely if not let go to seed as they spread everywhere.
Other suggestions could be Helenium or phlox
16 May, 2013