By Moatrat
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Last year my Cosmos grew to a unmanageable height.Would pinching the centres out overcome this problem. Thanks for all the answers. My first mistake was using the seed from last years plants. Second mistake not reading the packet diligently.
17 May, 2013
Mine usually grow pretty tall too,so I stake them,before they get to full height..they usually flower well into late Autumn,,still upright..
17 May, 2013
I grew cosmos from seed last year and did not read the packet with any great attention. I planted them out in the garden and was amazed they grew and grew till about five feet in height. When I then read the packet it gave the height as 48 inches....I always thought cosmos was a 36 inches high plant at I know dirrerently.
17 May, 2013
I discovered a couple of years ago that there are short varieties and tall ones. I grow the shorter ones now.
17 May, 2013
Sometimes Cosmos grows and grows and refuses to flower. It's something to do with day/night length. Make sure that you use seed sold by a reputable British seed company as this will be bred to flower in our short summers. However, pinching out won't do any harm at all. Also, feed with a tomato food to encourage flowering, not with a general feed.
17 May, 2013