By Dungy
Did you know you can eat chick weed?
It's one of the many "what we call weeds" that the victorian gardeners used in salads,
It's not to be eaten in huge amounts as it can cause diarea
And if you really want to get rid of it 1 part jeys 9 part water.
19 May, 2013
I knew somebody who ate it regularly. Budgies and canaries like it too/
19 May, 2013
i eat it, tastes apple like. bittercress too although not to much as its quite hot for me! violets are another good one, they taste like the sweets called violets!
20 May, 2013
There is a whole raft of so called Hedgerow foods, from Ground elder to Dandelions and beyond. But have you ever stopped to wonder why they are not in the mainstream of food?
At best most of them are tasteless, or insipid and some are extremely pungent. I think I would have to be very poor and very hungry before I would sit down to Nettles, chickweed. Dandelion leaves, Silverweed root all washed down with Dandelion root 'coffee'.
Mind the way the economy is going and the price of heating the house, it may come to it.
20 May, 2013
welcome to my world!
20 May, 2013
I made nettle soup once, but never again! Also served up ground elder as a veg, but ditto. Didn't know you could eat bittercress, and I just pulled it all out. But it will be back, so tasting here we come.
20 May, 2013
Thanks once again folks
For all your replies, ref what you can eat,
Ive eaten many what people think is poor mans food and infact i did see in the times news paper some years ago that a famous french chef pointed out that a lot of people dont use the best parts of animals and veg,
The veg bit was the stalk's of sprouts, cabbage, etc,
As he said these are what feed the flower heads (cabbage head / sprout's ) and yet we chuck the stalks in the comost bin,
Ive tried his way and cut the stalks to make soups, / stock etc and he was 100% correct, most of the flavour is in the stalks,
Now i cant for the life of me remember this french chefs name "only that he was a very very large man and made gordon ramsey look tame"
He was known for not putting up with idiots working in his kitchens,
But he was a very sort after chef and was one of the first to get the mich, star.
It's a real shame cookery isn't on the schools learning program anymore in a lot of schools.
20 May, 2013
Think on Ray Mears. If he dieted entirely on the hedgerow foods he promotes and talks about there's no way he'd be the healthily chunky chappie he is. I reckon there's a pizza or two passed that way!
20 May, 2013
Well - in the immortal words of Crocodile Dundee "You can live on it, but it tastes like *!^*"! (Although Ray always pronounces everything "Delicious!" He must be a dream to cook for.)
20 May, 2013
I worked for an old dear many years back and she would hobble down the garden with two slices of bread, these she would fill with young feverfew leaves and munched away.
20 May, 2013
Feverfew has to be one of the most disgusting and pungent taste of all the 'weeds' Tried it once for Migraine, preferred the headache.
21 May, 2013
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jeyes for the diarrhoea? Seems a bit harsh!!
there are loads of weeds that can be eaten, bittercress is another one that can be used. Its relatively easy to weed out though.
19 May, 2013