By Raybailey
United Kingdom
I planted a privet hedge in February 2007. They were purchased as 'bare root' 50 plants in total. I dug a trench, spread well rotted manure along the length, covered with soil then planted the roots. At the start of the year, I pruned them, as suggested in most gardening books, in order to promote thicker growth. As you can see from the pictures, either end of the run are very bushy and coming on well. However, the central span are not as forward as the others, in fact one or two of the very central ones are growing from the bottom roots. I am at a loss as to what the problem may be.
Will the central ones recover in time?
Any information that you can provide will be much appreciated
Thanking you in anticipation
Mr Ray Bailey
01945 780521

7 Jun, 2008
Previous question
« I am wondering if this is Hosta seems to fit the description.
I am sure they will be O.K. in time. It looks as though some of them did not have such a good start, different soil condition or not such deep soil or hidden stones etc. but at least it is alive and no matter it is growing from the bottom all the better I think.
8 Jun, 2008