By Gardengill
United Kingdom
Can you suggest a very hardy climber for open trellis between
two houses very windy at times.
26 Jan, 2010
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clematis plants
26 Jan, 2010
Escallonia's another one, not a climber, but very wind tolerant, evergreen. Choose your variety carefully, pick one that doesn't get too big for the space.
26 Jan, 2010
how about virginia creeper or boston ivy (parthenosissus) they are bone hardy and hang on to the support by sending out little suckers at the end of the tendrils which stick to the support like glue! also they have glorious autumn colour. If you want a really vigorous climber there's 'russian vine' although its not for the faint hearted!
26 Jan, 2010
pamg is right about virginai creeper i have 2 types one is generaly green with a red tinge to the stems and theres one that has a lot more red in it and grows more less vigerasly .i baught the second more colourfull as chinese virgina creeper .you could also grow an ornimentle grape vine . i have one .it grows very quickly once its settled in to a year .it has huge leaves that turn the most beautifull colours in autumn .sorry i dont know latin names as im dyslexic .
heres a film about my gardens and house and you will see the virginia and the grapvine in it. sorry some of its the wrong way up as i was using my mobile and held it the wrong way lol but i think youl get the idea take care hope ive helped and good luck.
26 Jan, 2010
Depends whether you want evergreen cover or not, though- vines drop their leaves in the winter.
28 Jan, 2010
this is true bamboo but dont they look stunning most of the year especialy autumn ?
28 Jan, 2010
Autumn they're stunning, yea, Nosepotter - but I have to say it's not one of my favourites - too many years spent hacking the things back where they've got into the roof space, the shed, under the patio, etc. One of the hazards of doing other people's gardens is you find the same culprits time after time after time that you then have to deal with - puts you right off some plants, lol!
28 Jan, 2010
i guess so bamboo it realy does depend what side of the fence your on realy lol
30 Jan, 2010
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26 Jan, 2010