United States
Can someone tell me how to prune a Echium Fastuosum? Do I cut off just the flowering portion or do I cut the stem off as well, to the trunk of the plant? Thank you.
22 May, 2013
I prune mine to just below the flowers. Sometimes you can get a few late flowers. Also, wear gloves as there are fine hairs on the stems that can be irritating. I also have found that pruning needs to be done before seed is set - the seeds germinate very easily.
22 May, 2013
Thank you 'Seaburngirl' and 'Wylieinthiazores'. I really appreciate your quick responses!
24 May, 2013
remove the spent flowers . I'd take the flower stalks back to the main stem personally.
welcome to GoY too.
22 May, 2013