By Hank
United Kingdom
Really sorry guys - comfrey again
Last question from me on this subject - honest. I googled " growing comfrey" yesterday and 90 % of the comfrey shown was just low level leaves. Mine has a thick stem and is about 2 ft 6 ins tall and still growing. . Was the low level stuff this " Bocking " variety I've read about ?
And do I just use the leaves and throw the stems away or perhaps just cut 'em up andchuck them into the compost bin ?
22 May, 2013
Comfrey grows tall when it flowers, that's all.
22 May, 2013
Hi to answer in a very simple way,
(1) Comfrey will grow tall and if in a shaded area you'll find its happy to get good strong leave's and a good think stem.
(2) REF the use of this plant,
(a) compost use the complete comfrey plant can be and is used to compost, it's one of the very best composting plants and you put as much as you can get your hands on
onto the compost heap
(b) to make a liquid fertilzer for your garden,
Ive a 45 gal/drum, make sure its clean of what ever was once inside the drum,
The one i use was once an oil drum and i lit a fire inside it to burn away any old oil,
You fill an old sack with as much comfrey as you can get inside it and also some form of a weight 'brick or rocks to help sink the sack,
if your finding problems getting a sack then use the net bags used for holding onions "the super market are a good place to get these.
You will need two large onion netts, again fill with comfrey & a weight and sink in the drum.
Leave for 4 TO 6 weeks and then water wouls turn brown,
the mix is 1 part comfrey mix to 9 parts water.
It's a well tried & tested way of making a very good fertilizer.
22 May, 2013
Thanks very much once again for the info, I now know exactly what to do - and I have even made 1 comfrey poultice ready for any emergencies !
23 May, 2013
Better used fresh though Hank! Hope you don't need it.
23 May, 2013
It's been in the freezer for a while, is it no good now ?
23 May, 2013
You can use the leaves and stems or compost the stems.
22 May, 2013