By Japon
United Kingdom
Just removed a 20ft conifer....and most of the roots. Ph is saying Very Acidic?
Would i be ok planting a Rhododendron there or is this dead acidic soil?
Thanks in advance.
22 May, 2013
It will be void of all nutrients and need a serious amount of mulch and or compost before anything is likely to grow there.
23 May, 2013
yes it will be low on nutrients. work over the soil adding any garden compost you may have or failing that ericaceous compost or peat. [persoanlly I am against using peat and go for peat free/reduced options] i would also add slow release nutrients such as Fish blood and bone. or growmore granules.
23 May, 2013
Thank you both for the replys, Can someone clear up a question about Fish/blood/bone or Bonemeal is it not very alkaline so not suitable for acid loving plants?
23 May, 2013
So far as I am aware blood, fish and bone meal is pretty neutral Japon
23 May, 2013
it is alkaline but the small quantities wont alter the pH of your soil.
23 May, 2013
What i mean to say is although the soil is acidic from the conifer will it be void of all nutrients?
22 May, 2013