I have two acer palmatum red dragon planted in the garden ten feet apart. This year one of them started to die from the top. First the leaves starts to wither, and I notice at the same time the trunk begins to turn brown where the dying branch meets with the trunk. It dying from top going downwards a little at a time. What seems to be the problem? Please help.
On plant
Acer palmatum
22 May, 2013
One of mine died this way, from the outside in, one day it looked beautifull the next day the leave's started turning brown from the tips to the centre, i was devestated as it was turning tree-like, i planted another one last week in the same position and its doing ok but it will be a few years before it looks as good as my other one...
23 May, 2013
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Could simply be that it was too cold for it last winter or that it is in a windy spot and just isn't thriving. One of our Acer palmatums is doing exactly the same thing and will be an ex-Acer very soon.
23 May, 2013