By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
hello people i hope your all well .im very interested in keeping beeze as there dying out and they works so hard for us .just wonderd if anyone new anyone who keeps beeze please take care bye for now.

26 Jan, 2010
Awwwwwwwww, love your dogs. I love the look on Sid's face - 'it wasn't me!' he's saying! Sorry N osey, don't know much about beekeeping, but had to comment on your pic x
26 Jan, 2010
Same here, know nothing about bees -------but love the dogs . :o))
26 Jan, 2010
I kow nothing about bees but love the dogs-- the shar-pei looks sooo mournful but i bet is a bundle of mischief ;~)
26 Jan, 2010
My neighbor had bees. Everytime they swarmed, we would get out there with hoses and direct them away. It just seemed a little expensive. You have to buy the hives, then prime the drawers where the honey will be put, then have another machine to seperate the honey from the combs, and then the jars or bottles to put the honey in. They ended up giving the honey away to friends and family.
26 Jan, 2010
Plenty of bees being looked after here Nosey! Our neighbour has quite a few hives and sells the honey and she mentioned to me that, since we moved here in late 2006 and I started up the garden with lots of flowers, she has noticed a rise in the amount of honey being produced. I certainly notice plenty of bees around outside, but I don't know what the recent very harsh weather and low temperatures have done to the colony - and we're expecting another cold snap! Love your dogs - what a handful!
27 Jan, 2010
Just a word of warning. Leigh - I read an article recently about neighbours getting swarms of bees from the hives, and not being able to use their gardens because of it. They had made all sorts of trouble for the person with the bees. So - make sure that your neighbours are happy about it before you go and get set up.
27 Jan, 2010
good thinking spritz .as for the honey im not botherd the beeze can keep it . i just want to help them out realy . you know do my bit .if it wasnt for the beeze we would have real problems .theres an area in china with know beeze and they have to grow apple trees and go round fertalising the apple blossem thereslves.ill have to look into it more i gues so thanx again .
pam the shar-pei is very aloof and snoby . its little blanche the tan dog who is the handfull and the lightest believe it or not take care bye for now xx
27 Jan, 2010
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from left to right sid my 10 month old pug then merkin my 3 year old staffy cross american to her is blanche my little terror whos three quarter pug and a quarter jack russel whos about 2 years old .the wrinkly one is a shar-pei about 18 months old and called sausage .last but not least my springer called jerry who is 12 in may and second in comand to me lol .
26 Jan, 2010