By Andrewr
Does anyone grow clerodendrum trichotomum, particularly the variegated variety, 'Carnival'? I'd be interested to hear your experiences with it. Does it sucker, and if so, how badly?
23 May, 2013
I'll be interested too, Andrew. I planted a Clerodendrum trichotomum (not variegated, though) earlier this year.
24 May, 2013
Thanks Worthy. I'm still trying to decide whether to get one and your advice is invaluable.
Spitz - I saw the green one in Ireland last year. Left to its own devices, it can make a very big plant
24 May, 2013
Hi Andrew, I planted one as a relatively small shrub 2 years ago. It is now a beautiful bushy shrub standing at around [maybe just under] 4 feet tall. I have absolutely no problems with this, no signs of suckering - its just gorgeous.
24 May, 2013
That's good to know scotter, thank you
24 May, 2013
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I've had it in stock before and not found a particular problem with it. Grafted plants, as you probably know, vary in quality, and some suppliers seem to tap into poor propagation units where plants are mass produced on tall/untidy/weak grafts. The results on the garden centre bench can differ widely! As with all grafted plants, remove any suckers as near the rootstock as possible. I try and strip the suckers away when they're small thus removing any latent buds low on the suckering shoot at the same time. I had a look at a New Zealand grower's site and mention is made of the plant suckering, but more usually after the top cultivar growth has suffered damage/died and the plant responds in the only way it knows - by growing from the rootstock
24 May, 2013