By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
I found this goldfish floating on our pond this morning.
Do you think it was a heron that attacked it? I'm pretty sure it wasn't there yesterday, we spend some time each day tending the pond and fish.
We have netted the pond, though the net is up to a foot above the pond in some places, to allow for the wildlife to get in and out. Would a heron stick its beak under neath the netting?

24 May, 2013
Herons do pierce them as you say, then can,t take off or are disturbed.
I use childrens windmills as deterrents......
24 May, 2013
That was a surprise to go with my Chinese meal! Still, just shows what this site can throw up! Heron, I'd have said. Small children also make great heron deterrents, without their windmills, especially when bird watching, I've found!
24 May, 2013
Thanks for all the help. I bought a large windmill today---I'll see what that does!
28 May, 2013
There are always a more noticeable mortality in freshwater fish at this time of year after or during spawning. Some fish develop cysts or growths on the sides of their bodies. Sometimes these growths will heal but sometimes become infected.
24 May, 2013