By Haian
United Kingdom
Can I grow Petunia surfinia in a tub, and if so, what is the best way to look after them
24 May, 2013
Thanks very much Bloomer, I am new to gardening and your answer is very helpful
24 May, 2013
you are welcome,Haian..everyone is very helpful on here,so ask away anytime :o)
24 May, 2013
Agree with Bloomer's answer, except to say that surfinia petunias get quite long (mine get over a foot, sometimes 2 feet long) so unless your tub is quite a tall one, they may well be trailing on the ground by end of summer. Very good in hanging baskets though...
24 May, 2013
Yes,Haian..they are ideal for tubs or hanging baskets..being a trailing variety..They tolerate rain ,wind and sun of course..better than ordinary need to dead head either,they are self dead headers...they spread out well,so you don't need many to a pot,or could also have something upright in the centre,and have these round the edges? good luck,and welcome to Goy...
24 May, 2013