By Chris72
United Kingdom
Hi all,Have a huge Magnolia Grandiflora tree in my garden,although it has not yet flowered this year,I worry about the leaves which seem to go brown quite easily and drop off. Is there any way to feed this tree,so that the leaves stay green? Have tried ericaceous fertilizers but no avail-does anyone have any suggestions please?
24 May, 2013
I would agree it's a water problem, but perhaps the other way. Certainly check the drainage, one way or another. Too early for flower yet this year. Know which cultivar, or is it straight M. grandiflora?
24 May, 2013
I'd say there is nothing wrong with your plant. Although it is an evergreen, it does shed some of the leaves at this time of year - I have grown it for many years, and mine does it every year. Flowering should start in June or July, so it's too early yet. And I'm in Berkshire too!
24 May, 2013
Andrew is probably right--if the tree isn't getting thin, it probably is just shedding old leaves. If it is getting thin, first check the drainage, then check the water supply.
24 May, 2013
Thank you all very much,not sure as to it's cultivar,it was here when we moved in Worthy1.It's very much like yours Andrewr with a flower about 8/9 inches across when it flowers. As to watering,its next to a silver birch (next doors about 6/8ft away) otherwise I cant really say-will have to dig up a patch to see how dry it is. Had not thought that water might be the problem,especialy after all the wet weather! But will do a check. Thank you all again.
25 May, 2013
Browning can be a sign of over watering - is the site poor draining?
24 May, 2013