By Loxylou
My cordyline cabbage tree leaves are turning black, like rot, i am worried it may be dieing, but it looks the healthiest out of the 4 i have. They are all in huge pots, with good drainage, the leaves are also turning yellow with spots on each leaf, but why are the leaves splitting with what looks like rot?? please help, also i am watering them nearly every day, is this too much? thank you
24 May, 2013
Your watering regime might have caused a problem. With plants in pots, watering should be carried out when the surface of the compost feels dry to the touch, but isn't so dry its shrunken from the sides of the pot. When you do water, water thoroughly, giving a good soak to the roots,so not with a hose set on mist, but rather by poking the end of a slow running hose into the pot, or a watering can without a rose, and allowing any excess water to drain away completely from the bottom, not into any outer tray or anything which might mean the pot is standing in water. Cordylines cope very well in the ground in dry conditions, they are not plants that like wet, soggy soil.
25 May, 2013