United Kingdom
Ginger Lily tuber not doing anything! It was in the airing cupboard for about 3/4 weeks then I put it in a great big pot outside and covered in polythene. It's been outside now for about 3 weeks and not showing any signs of growth. Help! What am I doing wrong?
24 May, 2013
Thaks Sbg. I'll check that out tomorrow. Suspect though that it's been too cold. We have had unremitting high winds and hardly any days of sunshine.
24 May, 2013
Hello again! Mine are starting to grow in the greenhouse (hot and humid) after the airing cupboard. Outside is still too cold for growth - normally June unaided in the garden.
25 May, 2013
Agree with Kildermorie, mine are in the greenhouse and started showing growth last week and will go out in the garden in a couple of weeks.
25 May, 2013
I put mine into compost under the staging of the greenhouse. they have just poked up 1cm in 6 weeks. I personally would take it out of the polythene, gently scrape off the top surface of the compost to see if there are any roots developing. I think they will still grow away unless they have got too cold outside.
24 May, 2013