By Bloomer
United Kingdom
When is the best time to move a rose ?
This a floribunda,that I grew from a stem cutting,and has been in the position I thought was going to be permanent,for about 3 years.It has made a decent root system,and flowered quite well this year.I have now decided to move it,and it will still be in a sunny position.All I have done so far,was just prune it lightly in November,to prevent wind rock.
27 Jan, 2010
Thanks,Lou,will do it as soon as weather permits...
27 Jan, 2010
Yep! :-) Just trim the ends of the roots and put it where there hasn't been a rose before.
27 Jan, 2010
Don't think its particularly necessary to trim the roots...depends on their condition. If you really have to plant where there's been a rose before, there is a product you can buy to overcome any rose sickness....callled a mychzz????? n ot sure but look on the David Austin site....they devised it I think....and sell it.
27 Jan, 2010
Thanks,Heron.Don't think I will need to trim the roots,as still quite small,but a good tip,if I need to do so.
Alice..There hasn't been a rose before,where I plan to plant it,so will be ok.I prepared the ground in november,with lots of home made compost,so will just add some fish blood and bone,so should be a happy little rose.Thanks.
28 Jan, 2010
Ooooh it sounds as if it is going to be very well looked after in its new home Sandra. Look forward to pics later on :o))
28 Jan, 2010
Yes Lou,it is.The plants are looked after ,better than Russell...hehe,although I do feed and water him..bless him.:o)
29 Jan, 2010
Do it now long as the ground is not frozen...
27 Jan, 2010