By Wildrose
United Kingdom
This shrub is now doing very well in our garden but I do not know its name eventhough it is quite common I think.
Please can you name it for me?

26 May, 2013
I look forward to your return!!
26 May, 2013
Goldflame Spirea
Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldflame'
26 May, 2013
Yes agreed, now you can be really ruthless with this spirea and prune it hard back if you so wish, comes back with masses of new shoots and gives it a more compact habit best done early spring, i always do them round about March time, having said that they can look effective in certain situations left to scramble away.
26 May, 2013
Looking at this, I've decided I've GOT to have one. Isn't it glorious? Now what can I kill off to find space for it...........?
27 May, 2013
For some reason ours self seeds all over the place, so in the end we have decided to get rid of it. Too much time spent weeding out its progeny.
27 May, 2013
Didn't do that here Ob but we are on solid clay
27 May, 2013
Interesting - I've never found a seedling either
27 May, 2013
My Mum used to have a huge Goldflame bush, and I don't ever remember any seedlings - she'd have transplanted them all over the garden if there had been.
28 May, 2013
Well, perhaps we are unlucky then, but I have just pulled out hundreds from around our plant.
28 May, 2013
Shame it's not something rare Owboggy. You'd make a fortune!
28 May, 2013
It amazes me sometimes. They were selling pots of Sorbaria Sem at £9.99 at the Plant Fair. I have just dug up and taken to the Recycling place, over a dozen well rooted suckers. G. Roxanne was voted plant of the century. We have just composted metres of the pest. Wild Violets at £3.50 a pot when I am weeding out hundreds every week. My garden must be worth a mint (another thug!).
28 May, 2013
It's the same with ophiopogon - sells for almost £10 a pot in places down south, and yet it can spread very rapidly in the right (wrong?) place
28 May, 2013
I'm with you on the violets, Ob, Darned nuisance - would take over my entire garden, given half a chance.
29 May, 2013
Previous question
« Hi Folks,just wondering If I can leave a newly bought 'Philadelphus' in its...
I think I know it's name..yes, it is common, I have one, I will be back..or maybe someone else might get here first..:)
26 May, 2013