By Heidib
Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Greenfly infested! what happens once sprayed.
Hello all, hope you have been enjoying the fab weather and your gardens! Some may have read previously I transplanted a huge redcurrant at the wrong time of the year.. it looks like its dying, but Im keeping it in till next year in the hope I'm mistaken.... but two days ago I discovered its shoots were invested, colonies on the tips - never have i seen so many greenfly in one place. (but nothing on neighbouring apples/ strawberries/roses thankfully!). I sprayed with Doff greenfly / blackfly stuff, most are dead now, and I am checking it every day to kill any new ones with soapy water) - I think I have become a bit obsessed!.... do I need to get the dead ones off the shoots/bush, or can I leave them? I tried waterspray but the bush is just too delicate to take jets of water at the moment... I dont have any ladybugs either.
- 27 May, 2013
Although its the wrong time of year it might be worth taking two or three cuttings. This works well in autumn, but I've never tried it at this time of year. Just cut off some shoots about 10 inches long, remove all the lower leaf buds and most of the leaves and just stick them in the ground somewhere. Done in Autumn these usually root over the winter. Put them out of strong sun though (haha, chance would be a fine thing)or they will just dry up - they probably will anyway but they certainly can't root if you don't try! Forsythia will root like this as I found out when I used the prunings for dwarf bean sticks.
27 May, 2013
thanks both... will try a bit of pruning.... had blackfly on it today... but i am not giving up!
29 May, 2013
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Any big shrub that is transplanted needs to be well watered at least once a week, unless there's a spell of frequent rain (not drizzle). This should be kept up throughout the summer after which it should have become established. Greenfly are a big pest of aphids and different to the types that attack apples, strawberries etc. Soapy water doesn't kill them. It knocks them off the bush. Cut back a few of the stems by half to an outward bud and see whether new shoots are produced as a result If so cut the rest of the bush back ny half.
The best insecticide I've come across is Permethrin (used to spray clothes against mosquitos). You can't buy it from garden centres any more but Amazon stock it in concentrated form. You need to dilute it with about five times its volume with water to spray safely on plants but it certainly gets rid of aphids, and other insect pests too. It also kills bees so if you ever use it don't spray it on flowers and they'll be fine.
27 May, 2013