Hydrangea - ground cover.
By Bonkersbon
North Yorks,
United Kingdom
Several years ago I gave a plant to a friend labelled hydrangea but most unlike one in appearance. It has grown profusely through the border been brilliant ground cover - but never flowered.The stems grow much like h.peteolaris but leaves dark and oval. Anyone know of a hydrangea variety like this?
7 Jun, 2008
Have you got a picture of the leaves? I cannot find any hydrangea which grows in this fashion. H. anomala ssp. petiolaris has serrated leaves and cinammon colured bark.
8 Jun, 2008
Pileostegia viburnoides is closely related to hydrangeas and has leaves as you describe. I posted a picture of it many months ago (I believe the picture also turns up on a Google search for images of this plant).
8 Jun, 2008
Thank you for replies - have a well established climbing hydrangea Bj so know its not that.Looks similar in leaf to trachleospermum jasminodes will try Andrews suggestion and feedback.
8 Jun, 2008
Thank you Andrew this is it - not descibed as a climber when I bought it no wonder not flowered as growing right throughout friends border as evergreen ground cover! Didnt realise there were other types of hydrangea climber apart from petiolaris.
Thanks for education if I could pronounce the name sure Id remember it!
9 Jun, 2008
There is a Hydrangea that is a climber, and if you did not put it where it can climb, I guess it would do well as a ground cover. I believe it should eventually have flowers, mine has not flowered yet either, I planted it probably two or three years ago.
7 Jun, 2008