Shrubs suitable for Alpine conditions.
By Janetcroker
I would like to plant a Black Beauty in my Alpine garden. Altitude 900 metres and frost bound for 3 months. Would it survive please. I have one in my UK garden and it is beautiful.
On plant
Sambuca Nigra
7 Jun, 2008
its a sambuca nigra. It has dark red foliage and large pink blossom which turn into berries in the autumn
8 Jun, 2008
Thank-you. The book says it is hardy to -15c so it should survive. It may be cut to the ground, but they usually regenerate from the roots. Certainly the similar dark leaved one we have survives here and we get frost almost every month of the year!
8 Jun, 2008
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Er, what species of plant is a Black Beauty?
8 Jun, 2008