By Whatsaplant
United Kingdom
Has anybody got any experience of bottle gardens? I "inherited" one with a diameter of 12 inches but I had no idea so everything died. I still I have no idea but I'd like to get it going again. So I need advice from the beginning. Are there any tips on soil? What plants? I prefer colour to just greenery. I've read the odd comment on sealing the bottle and humidity, but how do you water the plants? I need everything. Can anyone help please?
4 Jun, 2013
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« Can anyone tell me what the name of the very dark blue aubretia is?
years ago I had one for about 5 yrs until my dad dropped it. I had compost with a bit of powdered charcoal in it. I had small ferns, a small houseplant with dark green leaves and pink splotches [aluminium plant seems to ring a bell for its name. as well as an African violet and a small palm. the cork was removable and I used to dribble water down the sides of the bottle to water it. In the summer months the cork was out most of the day. in the winter less often. You do get condensation on the inside but that helps with the humidity.
On of my work mates used a sandy gritty soil and did cacti in it. don't know how well it did but it was there for several years.
hope this helps.
4 Jun, 2013