By Monjardinlra
I have been gifted six sweet pepper plants (Piment doux des Landes, the seed is sold in England too I believe, I think the variety is something like libari). I have no greenhouse here so they will have to take their luck outside (apparently this is feasible here in France, "south of the Loire river"), and I do have a nice warm sunny wall-base (as long as I remember to water, faithfully). But do you reckon I can grow them in pots? (I can't find advice on this on Google, and I've run out of potager-room). If so,how big must pots for sweet pepper-plants be? And any tips for the growing medium?
Thanks everyone
7 Jun, 2013
I've planted mine out, but the leaves are looking quite yellow in comparison with tomatoes and other plants. I think they need quite a lot of feeding and sunshine, especially in pots. I've never noticed in the past that the root runs are particularly big, so I can't see why pots wouldn't work.
7 Jun, 2013
I do the same as Cammomile but in the gh, too cold here to ripen them, they need the heat, yours or more shelterd suntrap gardens would be fine.
I stake mine as the weight of the peppers makes them top heavy and especially outside could fall over.
I noticed this warm sun we are having has brought them into flower!
7 Jun, 2013
I grew sweet peppers in 10" plus size pots - albeit in the greenhouse - in ordinary potting compost - fed them with tomato feed once they started to fruit and they did well. They will grow well in the sunshine. Good luck.
7 Jun, 2013