By Cardyl
Neath Port Talbot,
United Kingdom
I have an ACER PALMATA, Today noticed what at first looked like slug trails on the leaves,but when touched the "slime" was very sticky,cannot see any bugs on tree but have sprayed with general bug spray,what is this? what else can I do ?
8 Jun, 2013
Thanks,I hope you are right,I have checked plant all over but cannot see aphids or any bugs, washed with soapy water,prior to spraying,I don't use much in way of pesticides ,but this gave me a fright as plant is so lovely,i would hate to lose it
9 Jun, 2013
Aphids at the tips on the newest growth. The shiny substance is honeydew which, basically, is aphid poo. It's sugary sweet, hence the name, and a good wash with the hose should remove much of it. Often the first sign of aphids is ants running up and down the stems of the plant, because they 'tend' the aphids, and 'milk' them for the honeydew. If left, a sooty mold forms on the honeydew, and apart from being unsightly it prevents proper light getting to the leaf surface, so treat the aphids. I don't mean buy them cake(!), I mean wash them off. I use the hose, with my thumb over the end to make a fine spray which isn't heavy enough to damage the tree, but enough to knock the aphids off. (You can spray any proprietary mild pesticide. I just don't use them).
9 Jun, 2013