By Climber1
United Kingdom
I have had a wisteria for about three years now in my garden ,can anybody tell me how long it takes to flower,and when to prune it ... thank you ...
9 Jun, 2013
Thank you Dungy, I have seen about wisteria on gardeners world,read about them in books and internet ,but i can quite honestly say that your advise has actually been the best .... now i understand .. THANK YOU ....
10 Jun, 2013
Hello climber,
your name gives half the answer,
Any chance of a picture of the wisteria as it looks today?
Some climbers / trees take time for the roots to get settled in first before they give the showing of flowers or fruit,
Take for instance an apple tree it's said it takes 7 years after its planted as a small tree to produce its full crop,
The photinia group can take two years to start to show signs of healthy growth and after its started to grow it really speeds up, but when first put into the ground it just seems to do nothing.
any climber will once the roots are settled in "climb" like hell "but" and this is the big "BUT" if you just leave the climber to climb then the roots are doing just that climbing, if how ever you prune the climber at the height you want it then buds will appear in time.
A perfect example for you to look at is a climbing rose,
How many times have you seen such a rose climbing 25 feet high and only flowers at the top, the rest of the plant is just leaf & thorn?
This is because the roots have put everything into height.
Ive two wisteria (1) i planted here in our garden approx 6 years ago and ive kept it to the hieght of my gutters approx 20feet high but ive let the plant stretch some 25 feet "as i write this " acroos the front of our home so it'll cover the complete front of the house & barn,
Ive have flowers on it for the past 3 years,
I prune after every flowering had died, ie it'll get a prune in the next 2/3 weeks and i'll get a second flowering by the end of sept early october.
The second wisteria is at our gite and this has been there for many years, it gets a good heavy prune in november, and by May/june the complete rear of the house and barn are a mass of flowers "a real eye catcher"
Once these flowers have died (end of june time) it gets a light tidy up prune and again a second flowering arrives sept ish time.
Look out for and remove any above ground leaders (they're shoots above ground coming from the base of your trunk of the wisteria) they'll be going in all directions so prune these right back to the trunk of the climber you dont want them.
10 Jun, 2013