By Harryboy
Hi we have a plant in the garden and we dont now what it is can any one help ill post a pic

9 Jun, 2013
thought it could be E. Wulfenii at first but have that nagging doubt as usual !!!!
9 Jun, 2013
Definitely a Euphorbia, spurge, as to which one ...
9 Jun, 2013
I also think its E. wulfenii. but there are many species and varieties. it is a very nice one non the less.
10 Jun, 2013
Euphorbia 'Black Pearl'
10 Jun, 2013
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« Has anyone grown Felicia Blue? I think it is an annual, but there isn't much...
Its a euphorbia - sorry don't know which one.
If you break a stem be careful with the white sap as it is very irritant.
9 Jun, 2013