By Jr1
United Kingdom
I have a forsythia bush in my garden but I am having some work done & it needs to be moved, can I safely move it this time of year
10 Jun, 2013
If you do that take a good rootball and prune back the top to relieve it of too much work, they seem a tolerant shrub to cutting back then carry on as Scotkat recommends
you could try taking cuttings from the prunings, they seem to take quite easily
10 Jun, 2013
Thank you both, I will try that. Really don't want to lose it as its a lovely healthy bush. I will let you know what happens. Fingers crossed.
10 Jun, 2013
Well witha bit of luck with your cuttings you could rnd up with lots!
10 Jun, 2013
Hello and welcome to Goy Jr1 I am sure temp if you dug it up and put elsewhere in garden and kept well watered or in a pot and well watered until your work is all done it should be fine.
But see what others say.
10 Jun, 2013