By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Mystery seeds
We have been finding hundreds of these seeds the last 2/3 weeks and have no idea where they are coming from, just wondered if anyone can identify for us, they seem to be producing some sort of lichen like growth now?

10 Jun, 2013
Where are you finding them? in soil, on the surface of compost? How big are they? I'm intrigued. Lichens don't produce seeds as such. and fungal spores are usually much smaller.
10 Jun, 2013
They are small and on soil surface, path, everywhere
10 Jun, 2013
I thought of Corydalis seeds but it is too late for them and they would need a host plant nearby. Try squeezing them, A777, and see if the are hard or if they burst. Seeds will be hard and eggs will squash.
10 Jun, 2013
Space invaders??
10 Jun, 2013
lol Stera!
10 Jun, 2013
Identical to the seeds I've recently obtained from Chionadoxa, - ring a bell Bulbaholic? :-)
11 Jun, 2013
Except chionadoxa seed doesn't spread around all over the place... very odd!
11 Jun, 2013
Chionadoxa stems and seed heads fall over onto the ground, so I would have thought that the source would be pretty obvious. They do look rather similar, though, Sophie.
11 Jun, 2013
I think you may be right about them being Chionadoxa seeds as there are lots and lots of them in that part of the garden but maybe I haven't noticed the seeds before. Time will tell. Thanks for the replies all of you!
12 Jun, 2013
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I don't think those are seeds, more like eggs from something.
10 Jun, 2013