By Tuesdaybear
United Kingdom
Apologies if I asked this question before, but can anyone tell me how to distinguish between geum and potentilla (herbaceous perennial). Thanks.
11 Jun, 2013
Thank you; I have several of each but kept forgetting which were which and wanted to be sure of growing them in the right conditions.
12 Jun, 2013
Most of both are very tolerant of a wide range of conditions, without it being soggy or poorly drained ground, except geum rivale (water avens).
12 Jun, 2013
Of the herbaceous perennials, Geum leaves have 2- 3 smaller lateral leaflets down the leaf stem, potentilla leaves are loosely palmate, with leaf stalks clear of lateral leaflets (just one or two of the wildflower species varying from this, like silverweed, for example).
12 Jun, 2013