By Chino
United Kingdom
Cherry Tomats.
I am growing cherry tomatoes for the first time and don't know if I need to remove the side shoots like I do on other tomatoes. H-e-l-p !!
11 Jun, 2013
Depends on the variety. I have dwarf, low growing ones called Balconi red and they are self branching. Most of the others such as Ilde or black cherry will need de-sideshooting.
12 Jun, 2013
Venus and red robin and megabite are bush too and each just do their own thing, the first two have baby toms already
12 Jun, 2013
I,m glad you mentioned that Andy, I have 100&1000's and chocolate cherry, I was sold them as patio plants but its obvious they want to be cordons, so I nipped out the loooong side shoots today
12 Jun, 2013
Yes, unless you want bushes.
12 Jun, 2013