By Smcg
United Kingdom
This is maybe a silly question but i have a terrible phobia of caterpillars. is there anything i can plant in my garden that will keep caterpillars away? thankyou
13 Jun, 2013
plastic flowers will do the trick
14 Jun, 2013
Regular spraying with Bacillus thuringiensis v. kurstaki will kill the caterpillars, while harming little else. I can't recommend it for everyone, since the moths and butterflies that they become are such friends of the gardeners.
14 Jun, 2013
there will be many plants that are not food sources for catterpillars. avoid nasturtiums as they are adored by cabbage whites and their near cousins. decide on the plants you like then google to see if there are any butterflies that use them.
13 Jun, 2013