By Longie
United Kingdom
Hi, Can anyone tell me what is the best feed for Aubergines and cucumbers, growing in a cold greenhouse, and when I should begin to feed.
Thank you
13 Jun, 2013
Yes I also use tomato feed or the general growmore pellets will help.
13 Jun, 2013
Thank you Dungy and Cammomile, I will give it a go. Someone told me Miraclegro, but I could find nothing in their literature that said it was right for Aubergines.
14 Jun, 2013
I've never used that on vegetables, just the flower garden.
14 Jun, 2013
Its calledMiracle grow gro your own 'vegetable and Fruit' must admit In have not come across anyone who has heard of it yet.
Thanks for your help.
15 Jun, 2013
I used to feed mine on tomato feed when the fruit started to show.
13 Jun, 2013