By Showeryday
United Kingdom
I have a Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' that must be 5 or 6 years old growing against my garden fence. I cut it right down every spring, but by summer it has taken over the entire fence. It grows very tall and very bushy. It would be difficult now to dig out partly because of it's closeness to the fence and also because there are other plants growing in front of it, making it awkward to reach. Can anyone suggest anything I might try to curb it's enthusiastic growth!!
14 Jun, 2013
I had a nasty feeling that would be the case. Thank you for taking the trouble to reply. I shall wait until the autumn when all the foliage is ending and try to remove it. I think I'll also take your advice and replace it with a smaller clematis.
15 Jun, 2013
There's no answer to this question I'm afraid. Your honeysuckle is doing what it should, trying to reach its full height and spread of around 12feet, which is what any healthy plant will do. Your only option is to remove it and choose something with a much smaller height and width ,perhaps one of the smaller clematis hybrids which only make about 6/8 feet.
15 Jun, 2013