By Pdb
United Kingdom
Can anyone ID this please. Just found it sprouting in garden. Thank you

20 Jun, 2013
I think it's a figwort too.
20 Jun, 2013
and me. I actually like the flower form. am I strange??
20 Jun, 2013
Is it a weed? I don't want it spreading all over so I might pull it up .
20 Jun, 2013
its a native plant often found in damp shady places. if you dont like it its a weed.
21 Jun, 2013
Previous question
I think it's a type of figwort, scrophularia species. Do the leaves smell quite rank when bruised? Square stem's a clue, and the flowers, even sideways, look right. Close-up of flower? A little too many flowers, and not quite dark enough for common figwort, but it could just be particularly lush plant growth.
20 Jun, 2013