By Jon_nature
United Kingdom
Hi guys I was away for a few days in the West Country and apart from a whole heap of wild flowers to learn about I also came across these 2 plants in a garden which I wasn't sure of the names.... Can any one help me?

22 Jun, 2013
And, coincidentally, the top one is verbascum, with a big mullein moth caterpillar on it! See previous questions.
22 Jun, 2013
I think the top one is Verbascum Nigrum, difficult to tell without seeing the height. They grow to about 3ft/1M tall and are hardy. Description: yellow flowers with purple centres (though I saw a lovely peach in the garden centre).
22 Jun, 2013
Thanks so much guys knew I could count on you! Thought the moth caterpillar was just brilliant it had a quite psychedelic feel to the planting with its complimentary colours!!!
22 Jun, 2013
Watch out for too many though, because they can strip the leaves in a very short time.
22 Jun, 2013
Previous question
Bottom one is Nigella damascena, common name love-in-a-mist
22 Jun, 2013