By Cornishsally
United Kingdom
Does anyone know anything about using kelp as fertiliser? My neighbours and I are clearing a totally overgrown garden that has mainly been used as a rubbish tip to use for (mostly) growing vegetables. The soil is extremely sandy & water runs straight through it.We live by the sea so could get some kelp. Does it need to rot down before being put on/in the soil?And I know it's a fertiliser, but would it give more body to the soil? Any information would be gratefully received as we haven't much money!
31 Jan, 2010
Thanks bulbaholic. Rain should not be a problem!
31 Jan, 2010
Ihave read a bit about seaweed as fertiliser, on that alone I would agree with BA, but as for personal experience,I used to folage feed tomatoes in a cool house with lquid seaweed ,and I don't rember haveing anything but healthy lovley tasting frouit,
1 Feb, 2010
Agree - you can dig it straight in, but it is recommended that you wash it first to get off the salt - a rinse under the hose is all.
1 Feb, 2010
Thank you all. The site is nearly clear after 7 backbreaking days so we are looking forward to some more constructive soil preparation now!
1 Feb, 2010
Previous question
« hi everyone Grew campsis radicans fron seed last summer. Grew very well for a...
Sea weed is a traditional fertiliser used by gardeners and farmers living neat the coast. One of its main benefits is that it is full of the trace elements that other fertilisers don't have. It does not need to actually rot, Sally, but you should allow it to be rained on for a while to wash out the salt.
31 Jan, 2010