By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Mystery wild flower? Can anyone ID this please? It was in a pack of wild flower seeds.

24 Jun, 2013
Definitely a teasel - we get loads round here - Goldfinches flock to them, and they look good when dried and sprayed silver in Christmas decorations (the teasels, not the goldfinches).
24 Jun, 2013
I dunno, goldfinches would look quite nice just dried. Don't need any gold spray paint
24 Jun, 2013
Lol. Get smelly though.
Yes, teasel.
24 Jun, 2013
Worthy, what are you like??
24 Jun, 2013
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Looks like a Teasel to me.
Great for the birds and nice architecturally when it dries out.
24 Jun, 2013