By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Did any other GoYer visit Tom Stuart-Smith's garden in Hertfordshire, on 16th June? Bit of a long shot(!) but I'd love to know whether the enormous flowering shrubs were Wiegela or Kolkwitzia (Beauty Bush). Perhaps I should be brave, and write to the man himself?! (Sorry, no photo, as it was drizzling.)
24 Jun, 2013
Wow, thanks Worthy! That's so useful. I'm sure you are right because today I was lucky enough to join an outing to The Royal Landscape, and we had a wonderful walk around the Savill Gardens. There I saw a shrub that was VERY like the one I'd seen, and the label said "Kolkwitzia". So now I know . . much appreciated.
25 Jun, 2013
If they were enormous, then probably kolkwitzia. It says on the label 'large shrub'. When I was little, I used to have a den underneath one in our garden. It was 12 ft tall. Weigela, after about 5ft or so, starts to look woody, perhaps a bit leggy, and old. Kolkwitzia absolutely hangs with masses of soft pink, orange speckled throated flowers, whereas weigela, although it can crowd the stems, doesn't hang in such masses, it's slightly stouter woody stemmed.
25 Jun, 2013