By Astrantia98
United Kingdom
What's the best way to store Garlic? I have grown some on the allotment and would like to try and keep it as long as possible? also has anyone found those apple storage crates to be any good for storing your picked apples? thanks
27 Jun, 2013
Thanks, I never would of thought of doing that. I have only kept them hanging in my cupboard before but as you say after a few months they dry up and are no good and it's such a shame to loose them. I guess you could also freeze the mixture if you wanted.
28 Jun, 2013
I forgot to ask, how much oil do you put to how much Garlic? Just getting round to doing it. x
7 Jul, 2013
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hi, i grow garlic on my allotment. what i do and find it very good. break up your garlic into cloves and boil for a few minutes , (which makes it very easy to peel , by rubbing them in a towel) then whez them in a liquidzer with olive oil , then put into jars well tightened. it will last longer than keeping them fresh ( because they dry up ) and you won,t get garlic on your hands every time you want some.they also make a nice presant. good luck with same
27 Jun, 2013