By Tussie
United Kingdom
Are Begonias and Impatiens PERENNIALS?
27 Jun, 2013
27 Jun, 2013
yes they are, in the real sense of the word, they are tender perennials.
Given the right care, they should come up each year
27 Jun, 2013
Actually it depends on variety. My Begonia luxurians is evergreen perennial and will live for many years if I look after it. The bog standard bedding Begonia is an annual, the tuberous ones are perennial but you need to look after the tuber every winter. Impatiens are also either annual or perennial depending on variety.
27 Jun, 2013
But you can overwinter both the fibrous rooted begonia and busy lizzie as house plants - in fact the latter were grown as house plants long before they began to be used as summer bedding. Neither plant will survive the frost and this is why they are grown as annuals in the UK.
27 Jun, 2013
Begonia sutherlandii and Impatiens omeiana are fully perennial in the ground in my garden. The squirrels got the Begonia this spring grrr.
28 Jun, 2013
Thank you-very helpful
28 Jun, 2013
Haven't seen either of thees - very attractive!
28 Jun, 2013
I must replace the B sutherlandii as it was such a good plant.
30 Jun, 2013
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No, they are annuals, and will die with the first frosts.
27 Jun, 2013